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Saturday, May 30, 2015

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Friday, May 29, 2015

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

CDisplay - Comicbookreader

Passalidae is a family of beetles known variously as "bessbugs", "bess beetles", "betsy beetles" or "hor...

Hybosoridae , sometimes known as the scavenger scarab beetles, is a family of scarabaeiform beetles. The 210 species in 33 genera occur wide...

Glaresis is a genus of beetles, sometimes called "enigmatic scarab beetles", in its own family, the Glaresidae . It is closely re...

Geotrupidae (from Greek geos , earth, and trypetes , borer) is a family of beetles in the order Coleoptera. They are commonly called earth-...

False stag beetle
The false stag beetles ( Diphyllostoma ) are a group of three species of rare beetles known only from California. Almost nothing is known o...

Bolboceratidae , the dor beetles , is a family of beetle. It is occasionally treated as a subfamily of the earth-boring dung beetles (family...

The Rhagophthalmidae are a family of beetles within the larger Elateroidea group that include click-beetles. Members of this beetle family ...

Omalisidae is a family of beetles, in the large suborder Polyphaga. It contains twelve species in two genera: Genus Omalisus Geoffrey,...

The Eucnemidae , false click beetles , are a family of polyphagan beetles including about 1700 species distributed worldwide. Descriptio...

The Cerophytidae are a family of insects known as the rare click beetles . It contains 22 species in four genera, primarily distributed in ...

Soldier beetle
The soldier beetles ( Cantharidae ) are relatively soft-bodied, straight-sided beetles, related to the Lampyridae or firefly family, but un...

The Brachypsectridae are a family of beetles commonly known as the Texas beetles . There is only one genus, Brachypsectra . The type specie...

Water-penny beetles
Water-penny beetles are a family ( Psephenidae ) of aquatic beetles. The young, which live in water, resemble pennies. The larvae feed off ...

Lutrochidae is a family of water beetles sometimes known as "travertine beetles", since in North America they are common in sprin...

The Heteroceridae , or variegated mud-loving beetles, are a widespread and relatively common family of beetles. They occur on every continen...

Elmidae , commonly known as riffle beetles , is a family of beetles in the superfamily Byrrhoidea. It was described by Curtis in 1830. Gen...

Dryopidae is a family of beetles, commonly named long-toed water beetles , in the superfamily Byrrhoidea. It was described by Billberg in 1...

Schizopodidae is a family of beetles, in the large suborder Polyphaga. It was a subfamily until 1991, when it was elevated to family status...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Trictenotomidae are a family of beetles in the large suborder Polyphaga containing 13 species in two genera: Genus Autocrates J. Tho...

Stenotrachelidae , commonly called false longhorn beetles is a family of beetles, in the large suborder Polyphaga. Classification The f...

Salpingidae or narrow-waisted bark beetles is a family of beetles, in the large suborder Polyphaga. The species are small, about 1.5 â€...

The family Ripiphoridae (formerly spelled Rhipiphoridae ) is a cosmopolitan group of beetles, commonly known as wedge-shaped beetles, cont...

The family Oedemeridae is a cosmopolitan group of beetles commonly known as false blister beetles , though some recent authors have coined ...

The Mycetophagidae or hairy fungus beetles are a family of beetles in the large suborder Polyphaga. The different species are between 1.0 ...

The minute tree-fungus beetles , family Ciidae , are a sizeable group of beetles which inhabit Polyporales bracket fungi or coarse woody deb...

The Chalcodryidae are a family of beetles in the large suborder Polyphaga. Taxonomy It contains these genera and species: Genus Chalc...
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