Max is an imprint of Marvel Comics that specializes in R-rated comic book content launched in 2001 after Marvel broke with the Comics Code Authority and established its own rating system.
The Max imprint is not Marvel's first effort in featuring explicit content in their titles. The company's Epic Comics imprint in the 1980s and early 1990s often featured stronger content than their mainstream imprint. However, the Max imprint is the first time Marvel has specifically produced comics with uncensored content.

The first series to be published under the Max imprint is the now finished Alias. Several new series were then created specially for the Max imprint, such as Apache Skies and Haunt of Horror, while the majority of its publications were based around existing Marvel characters, such as Howard the Duck, Devil-Slayer and Rawhide Kid.
Former Marvel President and chairman Stan Lee has openly criticized the Max imprint. Referring to the Fury miniseries, based on the character Nick Fury, which he co-created, Lee said, "I don't know why they're doing that. I don't think that I would do those kinds of stories."

- Alias (2001)
- Apache Skies (2002)
- Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (2002)
- Blade (2002)
- Cage (2002)
- Deadpool Max (2010)
- Dead of Night Featuring:
- Man-Thing (2008)
- Devil-Slayer (limited series, 2008)
- Werewolf by Night (limited series, 2009)
- The Destroyer (5-issue limited series, 2009)
- Doctor Spectrum
- Dominic Fortune (2009)
- The Eternal
- Foolkiller (limited series, 2007)
- Foolkiller: White Angels (limited series, 2008)
- Fury (2001)
- Fury Volume 2 (2012)
- Haunt of Horror:
- Edgar Allan Poe (3-issue mini-series, 2006)
- H.P. Lovecraft (3-issue mini-series, 2008)
- Hellstorm: Son of Satan (2006)
- The Hood (2002)
- Howard the Duck (limited series, 2002)
- Max Payne 3 (2013)
- Fantomex (2013)
- The Punisher: Born (limited series, 2003)
- The Punisher
- Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather (2003)
- Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu
- Strange Tales MAX (limited series, 2009)
- Starr the Slayer (2009)
- Supreme Power (Moved to the normal Marvel Comics imprint in 2006 under the name of its predecessor Squadron Supreme)
- Supreme Power: Hyperion
- Supreme Power: Nighthawk
- Terror Inc. (2007, limited series)
- Terror, Inc.: Apocalypse Soon (2009)
- Thor: Vikings (2003, limited series)
- War is Hell: The First Flight of The Phantom Eagle (2008)
- U.S. War Machine and U.S. War Machine 2.0
- Wisdom (2007)
- Wolverine MAX (2012)
- X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire (issues 2 and 3 of a 3 issue mini-series, 2003)
- Zombie (limited series, 2006) and Zombie: Simon Garth (2007)
Max Ant-Man and Deathlok limited series were solicited but were cancelled before their release.

External links

- MAX at the Grand Comics Database
- MAX at the Comic Book DB