
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dan Jurgens (born June 27, 1959 in Ortonville, Minnesota) is an American comic book writer and artist. He is known for creating the superhero Booster Gold, and for his lengthy runs on the Superman titles The Adventures of Superman and Superman (vol. 2), particularly during "The Death of Superman" storyline.



After graduating from Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 1981, Jurgens' first professional comic work was for DC Comics on The Warlord #63 (Nov. 1982). He was hired due to a recommendation of Warlord creator Mike Grell who was deeply impressed by Jurgens' work after being shown his private portfolio at a convention. In 1984, Jurgens was the artist for the Sun Devils limited series (July 1984 â€" June 1985), with writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas. Jurgens would make his debut as a comic book writer with Sun Devils. He began scripting from Conway's plots with No. 8 and fully took over the writing duties on the title with No. 10. In 1985, Jurgens created the character Booster Gold, who became a member of the Justice League. His first work on Superman was as penciller for The Adventures of Superman Annual No. 1 (1987). In 1989, Jurgens began working full-time on the character when he took over the writing/pencilling of the monthly The Adventures of Superman. He also had a run as artist of Green Arrow with writer Mike Grell from 1989-1990.


Jurgens was the penciller of the 1991 limited series Armageddon 2001 and co-created the hero Waverider with Archie Goodwin. Jurgens helped writer Louise Simonson and artist Jon Bogdanove launch a new Superman title, Superman: The Man of Steel in July 1991 and assumed the writing/pencilling of the main Superman comic book with issue No. 57 (July 1991). He created a supporting hero named Agent Liberty in issue No. 60 (Oct. 1991) and then worked on the "Panic in the Sky" crossover in 1992. During his run on Superman, Jurgens created two major villains, Doomsday and the Cyborg Superman. Doomsday was the main antagonist in the "The Death of Superman" storyline which saw the iconic hero killed in an issue consisting entirely of splash pages. The Cyborg Superman was an existing character which Jurgens reintroduced in The Adventures of Superman #500 for the "Reign of the Supermen" storyline. Jurgens wrote and drew Justice League America (#61â€"77 April 1992 â€" July 1993) and in 1993 pencilled the Metal Men four-issue miniseries, which was a retcon of their origin story. Jurgens wrote and pencilled the crossover series Zero Hour. and the Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey miniseries, both in 1994.

Jurgens scripted and provided layout art for the Superman vs. Aliens miniseries. The story featured a battle between Superman and the aliens created by H. R. Giger (a.k.a. the Xenomorphs), from the titular film series. It was co-published by Dark Horse Comics and DC in 1995. In the same year, he gave up the pencilling duties on Superman. In 1996 Jurgens and Italian artist Claudio Castellini worked on the highly publicized crossover Marvel vs DC. Jurgens was one of the many creators who worked on the Superman: The Wedding Album one-shot in 1996 which featured the title character's marriage to Lois Lane. Jurgens developed the Tangent Comics imprint for DC the following year.

In January 1996, Jurgens was writer and penciller of the new Spider-Man series, The Sensational Spider-Man, at Marvel Comics. The title was initially conceived to be the flagship showcase for the new Ben Reilly Spider-Man. The initial seven issues (#0â€"6, Januaryâ€"July 1996) were written and pencilled by Jurgens. Jurgens pushed strongly for the restoration of Peter Parker as the true Spider-Man and plans were made to enact this soon, but Bob Harras, the new Editor-in-chief, demanded the story be deferred until after the Onslaught crossover. Jurgens had by this stage become disillusioned with the immense amount of group planning and constant changes of ideas and directions and took this as the last straw, resigning from the title. In a past interview several years after his Spider-Man run, Jurgens stated that he would like to have another chance on the character, since his run was with the Ben Reilly character during the Spider-Man Clone Saga, and not Peter Parker. Jurgens wrote and pencilled Teen Titans (vol. 2) for its entire two-year, 24 issue run (October 1996 â€" September 1998). George Pérez, the co-creator of The New Teen Titans served as inker for the series' first 15 issues. After 10 years working on the Superman character, Jurgens ended his run as writer with Superman (vol. 2) No. 150 (Nov. 1999). Also in 1999, Jurgens was writer and layout artist for the tabloid-sized graphic novel Superman/Fantastic Four, with finished art by his former The Adventures of Superman inker Art Thibert. Jurgens worked with Marvel Comics as writer on Thor (vol. 2) with pencilling by John Romita, Jr. and as writer/artist on Captain America (vol. 3). In 1995 he was writer/penciller on Solar No. 46 from Valiant Comics wherein he worked with inker Dick Giordano and with penciller Tom Grindberg joining in with issues #51â€"54 after Jurgens relinquished penciller duties with issue No. 50. Jurgens was the debut writer of the Tomb Raider: The Series comic book series licensed to Top Cow Productions and Image Comics, which in 1999. The debut issue of Tomb Raider was the number one selling comic book of that year. Jurgens was writer of the series until issue No. 21.


In 2000, he was the writer and provided layouts for the four issue prestige miniseries Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze, with finishes provided by Phil Jimenez. Jurgens wrote Aquaman (vol. 3) from issue No. 63 (Jan. 2000) until its cancellation with issue No. 75 (Jan. 2001). In November 2002, he wrote and pencilled the four-issue weekly miniseries Superman: Day of Doom (Jan. 2003), which marked the 10 year anniversary of "The Death of Superman" event from 1992. After a hiatus from comics, he returned to DC Comics, providing layouts for the lead story in the Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006 special (April 2006) and provided art for the weekly series 52 and to the six issue limited series Crisis Aftermath: The Battle For Blüdhaven written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey. Jurgens collaborated with writer/creator Marv Wolfman on the Nightwing series for issues 125â€"128. On Metamorpho: Year One, Jurgens was writer and penciller for the first two issues with Mike Norton drawing issues 3â€"6. Jurgens was writer and artist of the "History of the Multiverse" back-up stories in the weekly Countdown which appeared in issues No. 49 through No. 38. At the Los Angeles Comic Con in March 2007, DC announced a new, ongoing Booster Gold series written by Geoff Johns, pencilled by Jurgens, and inked by Norm Rapmund to begin shortly after the end of 52. He was the writer of Tangent: Superman's Reign limited series in 2008, revisiting the Tangent Comics characters and wrote and illustrated an issue of The Brave and the Bold vol. 2 No. 23 (July 2009), which featured Booster Gold and Magog.


He was amongst the creative talent of DC Comics' The New 52 relaunch in 2011, becoming the writer of the new Justice League International series with artist Aaron Lopresti and the artist of the new Green Arrow series with writer J. T. Krul and inker George Pérez. He became co-writer of Green Arrow with Keith Giffen on issues #3â€"6. DC announced in October 2011 that Jurgens would return to Superman, co-writing and drawing, the self-titled Superman series with Giffen. Their first issue was No. 7 (cover dated May 2012). During 2012â€"2013, Jurgens was writer and artist of Fury of the Firestorms: The Nuclear Men from issues #13â€"20, where the series was canceled. In 2014, he and Giffen together with Jeff Lemire and Brian Azzarello co-wrote The New 52: Futures End.

Personal life

Jurgens is married with two children, Quinn Jurgens and Seth Jurgens.


Comics work includes:

Dark Horse Comics

  • Superman vs. Aliens (1995 limited series; story and layout art)

DC Comics

  • 52 #2â€"11, 24, 35, 43 (2006â€"2007)
  • Action Comics No. 650, 667 (1990â€"1991)
  • The Adventures of Superman #452â€"470, 472â€"478, 480, 492, 500 (writer and penciller, 1989â€"1993); Annual No. 1 (pencils, 1987)
  • Agent Liberty Special # 1 (writer and cover artist, 1992)
  • Aquaman vol. 3 #63â€"75 (writer, 2000â€"2001)
  • Aquaman and The Others (writer, 2014-?)
  • Armageddon 2001 #1â€"3 (1991)
  • Batman No. 359, 568 (1983, 1999) Annual No. 9 (1985) (pencils)
  • Booster Gold #1â€"25 (artist, 1986â€"88)
  • Booster Gold vol. 2 #1â€"12, 15â€"19, 21â€"31, 44â€"47 (artist, 2007â€"2008; writer/artist, 2009â€"2010, 2011)
  • The Brave and the Bold vol. 2 No. 23 (writer/artist, 2009)
  • Countdown (writer and artist of the "History of the Multiverse" back-up stories in issues No. 49 through #38)
  • Crisis Aftermath: The Battle For Blüdhaven (2006 mini-series) (pencils)
  • DC Universe: Legacies #7â€"8 (2011)
  • Firestorm: The Nuclear Man vol. 3 No. 33 (April 2007) (layouts only)
  • Flash Gordon #1â€"9 (miniseries) (writer/artist, 1989)
  • Fury of the Firestorms: The Nuclear Men #13â€"20 (writer and pencils 2012â€"2013)
  • Green Arrow #17-18, 21-24, 27-30, 33-34 (pencils) (1989-1990);
  • Green Arrow vol. 4 #1â€"5 (pencils); #3â€"6 (co-writer) (2011-2012)
  • Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006 (2006) (layouts for lead story)
  • Justice League America #61â€"77 (1992â€"1993)
  • Justice League International #1â€"12 (writer, 2011â€"2012)
  • Metal Men (limited series, 1993) (layouts)
  • Metamorpho: Year One #1â€"6 (writer; artist for issues 1 and 2 only, 2007)
  • The New Teen Titans vol. 2 No. 6 (pencils, 1984)
  • Nightwing
  • Sun Devils (writer and artist, 1984)
  • Superman vol. 2 (writer: 1991â€"1999; pencils: 1991â€"1995)
  • Superman vol. 3 #7â€"12 (writer and pencils 2012)
  • Superman 80-Page Giant #1 (1999) (cover artist pencils and writer for 10-page short story)
  • Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey (limited series; story and layouts) #1â€"4 (1994)
  • Superman: The Doomsday Wars #1â€"3 (1998â€"1999)
  • Superman: Day of Doom #1â€"4 (2003)
  • Superman: Secret Files (1998) (writer and layout art for lead story; plus pencil art for character profiles)
  • Superman/Fantastic Four (1999) (writer and layout art, with finished art by Art Thibert)
  • Tangent: Superman's Reign #1â€"12 (2008â€"2009) (writer)
  • Teen Titans vol. 2 #1â€"24 (1996â€"1998)
  • Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1â€"6 (2010 mini series) (writer/artist)
  • Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #319â€"325 (1985)
  • Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze #1â€"4 (prestige miniseries. writer and layouts, with finishes by Phil Jimenez) (2000)
  • The Warlord #63â€"88, 91 (artist) (1982â€"1985)
  • Zero Hour #0â€"4 (1994)

Marvel Comics

  • Daredevil No. 224 (penciller)
  • Captain America vol. 3 #25â€"50 (writer), #33â€"50 (penciller); Annual 2000; Annual 2001
  • The Sensational Spider-Man #0â€"6 (Januaryâ€"July 1996) (writer and penciller)
  • Thor vol. 2 #1â€"79 (writer); Annual 1999; Annual 2000; Annual 2001

Valiant Comics

  • Solar # 46â€"54 (July 1995 â€" December 1995) Writer/Penciller on #46â€"50; writer only from #51â€"54


His work has earned him several awards over the years, including the 1994 National Cartoonists Society Award for Best Comic Book.


External links

  • Dan Jurgens at Mike's Amazing World of Comics
  • Dan Jurgens at the Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators
  • Interview with b-independent.com (1998)
  • Interview with Comic Book Resources, April 30, 2006
  • Comic Geek Speak Podcast interview (July 2009)

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