
Monday, December 1, 2014

Dark Avengers is an American comic book series published by Marvel Comics. It is part of a series of titles that have featured various iterations of the superhero team the Avengers. Unusually, the series stars a version of the team that, unknown to the public in its fictional universe, contains several members who are supervillains disguised as established superheroes.

Publication history

The series debuted with issue #1, dated January 2009, as part of a multi-series story arc entitled "Dark Reign". In the premiere, writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Mike Deodato (working from a continuity begun in a previous, company-wide story arc, "Secret Invasion", involving an infiltration of Earth by the shape-shifting alien Skrulls and that race's eventual defeat) chronicled the aftermath of the U.S. government's disbanding of the federally sanctioned superhero team, the Avengers. Bendis described the thinking behind the team: "These are bad-ass, hardcore get-it-done types. They'll close the door and take care of business and he's dressing them up to make them something that the people want". This is in contrast to the changes Norman Osborn is shown making to the Thunderbolts, where, according to writer Andy Diggle, he turns that team into "something much more covert and much more lethal: his own personal hit squad".

The series ended with Dark Avengers #16, at the culmination of the Siege storyline.

As of the 175th issue of Thunderbolts it will be retitled Dark Avengers.


The government assigned the team's redevelopment to Norman Osborn (the reformed supervillain now calling himself the Iron Patriot) whom the government had previously assigned to head the superhero team the Thunderbolts and who had become a public hero for his role in repelling the Skrull threat. Osborn, also given leadership of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., reforms that agency into H.A.M.M.E.R. and creates a new Avengers team under its aegis.

Issues #1-6

The initial line-up consists of former Thunderbolts members and new recruits, including the Sentry, Ares, Noh-Varr (now Captain Marvel) as well as disguised super-villains Moonstone (portraying Ms. Marvel), Venom (Mac Gargan, portraying Spider-Man after being given a formula that resets the symbiote to the size it was when it possessed Spider-Man), Bullseye (portraying Hawkeye) and Wolverine's disgruntled son Daken taking on the Wolverine mantle. Osborn also takes on the identity of Iron Patriot, wearing a red white and blue themed Iron Man armor. The team goes to Latveria to rescue Doctor Doom from Morgan Le Fay. Upon returning from Latveria, Osborn deals with the aftermath of Ronin's appearance on live TV reminding the public of Osborn's murderous past and that he should not be trusted. due to this action Osborn is forced to "get rid of" this problem.

Issues #7-8 (Utopia Crossover)

The Dark Avengers arrive in San Francisco to set up martial law and to quell the anti-mutant riots. In doing so, Norman sets up his own team of X-Men consisting of Cloak and Dagger, Mimic, Emma Frost, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Daken, Weapon Omega and Mystique (posing as Professor X) much to the chagrin of his Avengers. After Emma Frost, Namor, and Cloak and Dagger betray the team, Norman swears vengeance on the X-Men.

Issues #9-12

A series of disappearances throughout Colorado causes Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers, except for Venom, to visit the small town of Dinosaur, Colorado. Everyone except Norman is teleported away, while Osborn finds himself in front of a throne with Molecule Man seated on it, flanked by the Beyonder, Mephisto, Zarathos, and the Enchantress. However, it is revealed that these others were merely Molecule Man's creations. Molecule Man tortures Norman mentally and physically and seemingly kills his Avengers. Osborn's assistant, Victoria Hand, successfully stalls Molecule Man with a false surrender until the Void is able to reform and kill Molecule Man. It is revealed that the Sentry and the Void have the same powers as Molecule Man. The Sentry regains control of himself and agrees to begin therapy with Moonstone, while Victoria Hand demands Norman to undergo therapy as well after being tortured. Inside his office, Loki is manipulating Norman into having a Green Goblin relapse.

Issues #13-16 (Siege Tie-Ins)

After declaring war on the Asgardians, Norman Osborn has the Dark Avengers and those in The Initiative prepare for the invasion of Asgard. Norman considers The Sentry, specifically his dark side, known as The Void, his secret weapon.

In flashback, it is told how Robert Reynolds received his vast powers from experimental drugs, using his might as the Sentry to live the life of a superhero, while his darker emotions manifested as the Void. Osborn has manipulated Reynolds into allowing the Void to take over, to do Osborn's murderous bidding. Osborn has somehow recreated the addictive serum that gave Reynolds his powers, making him dependent on Osborn and his approval. Meanwhile, Reynolds's wife Lindy has been a virtual prisoner in the Sentry's Watchtower, has even attempted to kill him, and begs Reynolds to either kill her or let her go. Reynolds's warring personalities, however, have stalemated. The Sentry even attempts suicide, flying into the heart of the sun, but such is his invulnerability that it doesn't work. He tires of struggling against the Void. Norman orders Bullseye to kill Lindy, blaming her for Sentry's uncertainty and weakness. When an emergency evacuation occurs, Bullseye takes Lindy on a helicopter, antagonizes her cruelly, then strangles her to death and dumps her body into the ocean. When Sentry arrives looking for Lindy, Bullseye claims that she committed suicide, out of fear of Reynolds, by jumping out of the helicopter in the countryside. Sentry leaves to look for her body. From this point on, it could be said that the murderous Void was in full control of Reynolds and his unprecedented power.

Following the events of Siege, Norman Osborn is incarcerated in The Raft penitentiary. Moonstone, Bullseye and Venom are captured by the heroes, while Daken manages to escape capture by military personnel. After being interrogated by Captain Rogers, Victoria Hand is informed that she has been reassigned.


Moonstone joins the new Luke Cage led incarnation of the Thunderbolts. Noh-Varr is recruited into the Avengers team to help them build a time machine to save the future. Victoria Hand is assigned by Steve Rogers to be the liaison for Luke Cage's team of Avengers, dubbed the New Avengers, because he feels that she can provide an important insight to the team. Bullseye escapes custody and is killed by his old nemesis Daredevil when he attacks his fortress of Shadowland. Daken eludes capture at the conclusion of the Siege and is confronted by Franken-Castle (who he had killed during the Dark Reign). Mac Gargan's symbiote was removed and he was taken into custody. He was later broken out by Alistair Smythe and transformed back into the Scorpion.

The New Dark Avengers

A new Dark Avengers team formed by Norman Osborn and H.A.M.M.E.R. The roster includes Skaar, Gorgon, Ai Apaec, Dr. June Covington, Superia, and Trickshot and the team is backed up by HYDRA and A.I.M. Norman Osborn also has A.I.M. rebuild Ragnarok so that he can join the Dark Avengers. Although Osborn claims to be certain that his new team is superior to their "templates," he appears unaware that Madame Hydra and Gorgon are already planning to kill him once he proves himself to be too dangerous as leader, intending to use his team to sow discord by serving as a voice of the "disenfranchised" unsatisfying with the status quo. The subsequent fight against the New Avengers proves to be relatively evenly-matched. Although Osborn demonstrates a surprising new level of strength allowing him to throw Luke Cage a considerable distance and his Scarlet Witch injures Doctor Strange, the others are able to hold their own far more easily. When their attempt to teleport away, the New Avengers end up facing Ragnarok. Spider-Man and Iron Fist are able to defeat Ragnarok, but the Dark Avengers' actions have still damaged the New Avengers' reputations by tricking them into provoking a fight with a team who just helped the civilians, Osborn's other forces attacking the main team to charge them with various war crimes, ordering the President to declare Osborn the new head of world security and put the Avengers on trial. However, although the Dark Avengers capture Captain America during their successful attack on both Avengers teams with the intention of executing him for his 'crimes', Gorgon and Superia are already planning to betray the team, Victoria Hand apparently Norman's double agent inside the team revealing her real allegiance to Captain America to the New Avengers, and Skaar turning on his teammates after they confirm their intentions to assault Captain America, proclaiming "Avengers Assemble" as he does so. Skaar reveals that he is a double agent for Captain America allowing the New Avengers to defeat the rest of the team. Norman Osborn is shown to have developed the abilities of the Super-Adaptoid enabling him to copy the abilities of the other Avengers. The Avengers find a way to overload this power which puts Norman Osborn into a coma. After Osborn is defeated, the rest of the Dark Avengers are detained and suggested in a conversation with Captain America to be considered for the Thunderbolts Program.


As of #175, Thunderbolts is renamed Dark Avengers with writer Jeff Parker and the art team of Kev Walker and Declan Shalvey remaining on the title.

When the Thunderbolts are missing in the time stream, the Dark Avengers were recruited as a replacement team. In order to keep the Dark Avengers in line, they were implanted with nanites in order to prevent them from going rogue, and placed under the leadership of Luke Cage.

The Dark Avengers team are thrown into an alternate world with John Walker where they are captured by that reality's version of Iron Man. Iron Man and Henry Pym wonder who they are as they don't match their counterparts of their universe. Iron Man assumes that Mister Fantastic is responsible for Ragnarok and flies off, while Henry Pym stays behind to disable the Dark Avengers' control nanites and replace them with their own control devices. As he gets to work, June Covington begins to regain consciousness. Meanwhile, Skaar regains his senses and asks himself how he got from Sharzhad to Manhattan. He is then attacked by a squadron of Iron Men (who assume him to be a cheap knockoff of the Hulk). He briefly fights them until the army shows up. Then someone grabs Skaar and carries him away. His rescuer is Moonstone. She explains that when the Quinjet fell out of the sky due to June Covington's sabotage, she flew up to intercept. At the same time, Man-Thing opened a portal to save them, but has sent them to another universe. Before Moonstone and Skaar could plan their next move, they accidentally stumble in Strangetown and are caught by its mystical defenses. As soon as Doctor Strange whisks them away, two men in yellow armor emerge from a portal as they wonder who the two strangers were. While unconscious, John Walker is examined by an alternate reality Hank Pym and determined to be "John Walker, ex-Marine Captain."

Meanwhile, Doctor Strange probes the minds of Skaar and Moonstone to learn how they got here. Afterwards, he plans to use them as an advantage for a turf war that he is in. Having gotten control of Henry Pym, June Covington learns the history of this reality and then uses some Stark teleportation tech to remove a device from Ragnarok's brain. Meanwhile, Doctor Strange uses a spell that alters Moonstone's appearance to that of Captain Marvel. Planning to use Moonstone and Skaar in their turf war, Doctor Strange and Clea embrace as their pet Tigra watches on. The two men in yellow armor appear outside of the Baxter Building where one of them contemplates a security drone before he is killed by the other one who escapes before he can be captured. While in a turf war against Thing and his monsters on Yancy Street, Doctor Strange tells Moonstone that New York City is the last habitable place since the event where Thor and Hulk had killed each other. At the same time, Clea brings Skaar to Iron Man's territory in the Iron Zone where they fight a bunch of Iron Men. Iron Man is unaware that Henry Pym has fallen under the control of June Covington. June Covington is seemingly able to restore John Walker's lost limbs with help from this reality's version of the Venom symbiote in lobotomized form. Barney Barton wakes up in Iron Man's lab to see U.S. Agent restored, Ragnarok still unconscious, and Ai Apaec in miniature form. June Covington brings them up to speed about the world that they are in as they watch the turf war on a nearby screen where they are unaware that the turf war was caused by this reality's Doctor Strange. When they see Moonstone and Skaar taking part in the gang war, they are informed by Ai Apaec who happens to recognize the mark of Doctor Strange on them and witness both sides of the turf war being halted by the arrival of Namor and his queen Invisible Woman (who had been driven over the edge following the deaths of Captain America, Thor, and Human Torch) who give them 24 hours to evacuate before Namor can flood the city. Upon hearing the news, U.S. Agent and the Dark Avengers formulate a plan that they must kill this reality's Doctor Strange and free Skaar and Moonstone before the flood can happen. But they do not know that they themselves are being watched by the men in suits who are somehow controlling that reality and who do not want to see that control broken. When Mister Fantastic speaks with Thing, Skaar approaches Thing asking him to remove the slave spell cast by Doctor Strange. Thing then has Moonstone brought in and mistook her for Alicia Masters. Mister Fantastic tells Moonstone to play along so that they can get through to Thing. Thing then recalls that Alicia Masters is dead and has Halar and the Moloids bring Moonstone to a cell in order to ready her for gladiatorial combat.

Meanwhile, Iron Man returns to his tower and finds that Henry Pym is experimenting on Ragnarok by removing his control implant. He also notices that the other Dark Avengers are missing. When Henry Pym mentions having regrown U.S. Agent's limbs and shrunk Ai Apaec, Iron Man lashes out at him and realizes that Henry Pym's control implant had been reworked. A microscopic Wasp is watching this on her monitor in her petri dish, and begs to be wakened from her nightmare. The Dark Avengers make their way through Hell's Kitchen to get to Strangetown. They come across a building covered with webs as Ai Apaec claims that this world's Spider-Man had gone under a profound change to have created a long-lasting web. The Dark Avengers are then attacked by Spider-Man's gang (consisting of this reality's versions of Colleen Wing, Daredevil, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and Shang-Chi). This world's version of Hawkeye mistook Barney Barton as his brother. Though U.S. Agent begs them to let them pass, Iron Fist and Shang-Chi attack. Ai Apaec tells Barney to load him onto an arrow and fire it at Spider-Man. Spider-Man's Spider-Senses go off and he catches the arrow as Ai Apaec and Spider-Man speak in a different language while the other Dark Avengers have been subdued. Moonstone is pitted against all of Thing's monsters. When Thing tells Halar to use lethal force, Skaar can do nothing but watch as Moonstone disintegrates. As Halar is vaporizing Moonstone, the two hidden figures talk about Halar's powers and plans to take it. Mister Fantastic manages to reveal them as Skaar grabs one of them before they can phase out. Skaar asks Mister Fantastic if it's true that the mysterious group to whom their captive belongs to is manipulating this world.

Meanwhile in Hell's Kitchen, the Dark Avengers have been captured by Spider-Man's gang as they demand to know what they did to Hawkeye. With help from Ai Apaec, June Covington tells them that they had poisoned Hawkeye on his left side and that the venom must be sucked out. Colleen Wing moves into action while Shang-Chi demands to know why June Covington is dressed like Scarlet Witch. Misty Knight assumes that since they were heading for Strangetown, they must be working for Doctor Strange. U.S. Agent insists that they were going to stop Doctor Strange (who had restarted the turf wars) and save the whole city. Daredevil punches Barney Barton stating that there are no heroes anymore. Just superhumans who fight each other constantly. June Convington mentally suggests luring in their captors and gas them, but U.S. Agent denies her, reasoning that her toxin would be blown away in the wind. Instead, U.S. Agent notes out loud that Hell's Kitchen has been kept independent of the other superhuman factions. Misty Knight explains that Spider-Man had changed. His webbing doesn't stick to his allies, Grimm's monsters can't stand the smell of it, and it screw up the Iron Men armors. Suddenly, the Dark Avengers are freed from the webbing as Spider-Man doesn't consider them enemies and agrees to accompany them to Strangetown along with a select few of his gang. At Stark Tower, Pepper Potts states that she needs some rest with Invisibile Woman assisting in flooding the city tomorrow. When War Machine asks Iron Man why he is so restless, Iron Man states that they can't take a break without their foes attempting to evict humanity. Pepper asks that he look at her, reasoning that she hasn't seen his face in months. Iron Man ignores her and calls Henry Pym to ask about the status of the neutron bomb to everyone's surprise. Henry Pym answers that he's using Ragnarok to power it.

Meanwhile, A.I.M. has been manipulating this reality and they start to panic when one of their own is being held captive. One A.I.M. Agent states that due to the Dark Avengers' arrival, the solar system is starting to disappear. Back underground, Skaar pries the mask off the captive A.I.M. Agent who pinches his nose to evade contracting any viruses. Skaar then starts questioning them, but the A.I.M. Agent refuses to talk. Mister Fantastic asks why Skaar is working for Grimm. Struggling against Doctor Strange's slave spell, Skaar explains in broken sentences that he's from another Earth and that he's being controlled. Mister Fantastic asks if his Fantastic Four is still a team on his Earth to which Skaar confirms. He then turns his attention to the A.I.M. Agent and identifies him as A.I.M. and accuses him of warping time. But before they could get any further, Thing interrupts and assumes that the A.I.M. Agent is another spy. He attempts to drag him to the arena where he would be killed. To avoid letting their answers slip away, Mister Fantastic goads Thing into taking him instead by mentioning Alicia's name. As a frustrated Skaar looks on, he notices that Mister Fantastic has written in the sand "Make him reveal access point". Meanwhile, the Dark Avengers and Spider-Man's gang arrive in Strangetown where they are attacked by the All-Seeing Eye and the Soulsnake. Ai Apaec tells Spider-Man to cast some webbing and give Barney Barton a sword which he uses to destroy the Soulsnake while Spider-Man lands a hard kick to the All-Seeing Eye. Unfortunately, Tigra ambushed Spider-Man slashing him across the throat. Doctor Strange himself then appears noting that it was worthwhile losing two valuable objects to bring down Spider-Man. Collen Wing then asks U.S. Agent if he has a plan, to which he answers he's working on it.

Back at Stark Tower, Ragnarok awakens as Henry Pym attempts to get his attention. But as Henry Pym expresses relief that he's finally getting out of his lab, Ragnarok spots an invisible Moonstone signalling him to remain silent. When Mister Fantastic insists that their reality is being manipulated, Thing is in the process of mangling him. Thing then turns his attention to Skaar (who is in the middle of interrogating the A.I.M. agent) guessing that he's from his Earth as to how to return home. Doctor Strange's slave spell forces him to obey. Thing accuses him of being in league with Richards and orders him to show his loyalty: to men or monsters. At Stark Tower, Moonstone materializes before Henry Pym and Ragnarok. Henry Pym asks how did she get in. She explains that when Thing's monster attempted to vaporize her, her intangibility powers kicked back in and she escaped. This also weakened Doctor Strange's spell on her as long as she stayed intangible. She then asks Henry Pym as to where the other Dark Avengers are. He shows her recordings of them planning to kill Doctor Strange. Henry Pym then says he needs to finish restoring his microscopic wife Wasp before asking if he can come with her. Suddenly, they are interrupted by Iron Man who then attacks. With the slave spell attempting to reassert it's hold on her, Moonstone goes intangible as Iron Man hits Henry Pym. Out of his arms pop more weapons, but Ragnarok gets up and attacks him. He tears off his left arm revealing "Iron Man" to be a robot or so it seems. After knocking off his head, it is revealed that Iron Man is just a brain in a jar which ejects out of the chest and flies off. A badly wounded Henry Pym confesses that Tony Stark had him remove his organs to make more room for weaponry. Moonstone then tells Ragnarok that they have to help the others. The Thor clone confesses that he no longer possess his faux Mjolnir, but that gives Moonstone an idea. As they leave, Henry Pym throws a switch to activate the Pym Particles.

In Strangetown, Iron Fist attacks Doctor Strange out of rage for the death of Spider-Man only to charge into a trap. Doctor Strange conjures a maw on his chest and engulfs Iron Fist consuming his focused chi. Meanwhile, Ai Apaec is climbing Doctor Strange's leg, telepathically calling the Dark Avengers to summon an object contained by Spider-Man's webs which would grant him the perfect distraction. When Thing orders Skaar to kill Mister Fantastic, he struggles to fight the slave spell cast on him. U.S. Agent tells Misty Knight to summon Captain America's shield with her bionic hand. The shield comes flying in, just as Doctor Strange conjures up a deadly spell, only for it to deflect off the shield and kill Clea. Enraged, Doctor Strange readies an even more powerful spell, but Ai Apaec hits him with all the poison he had killing Doctor Strange and ending his slave spell on Moonstone and Skaar.

At that moment, Skaar turns on Thing. As Moonstone and Ragnarok arrive at the sight where this Earth's Thor died fighting Hulk and where his Mjolnir lies, the A.I.M. cell is observing Iron Man's brain inserting himself into a massive armor. One A.I.M. Agent wants to continue observing, but another A.I.M. Agent warns the A.I.M. Agent that this reality's going to collapse in less than an hour. Thus, A.I.M. mobilizes to finish their work. Ragnarok acknowledges that he's just a copy of the real Thor and that he does not know who or what he is. He then grasps the hammer. Lightning then strikes and Ragnarok emerges with a new look. As Namor and Invisible Woman arrive to wipe Manhattan off the globe, Skaar is punched up from the ground by Thing for his betrayal as Mister Fantastic threatens to choke the A.I.M. Agent for information. As Thing's monsters relentlessly attack Skaar, June Covington manages to make telepathic contact with him, promising to send him help, even though he refuses it. Elsewhere, Iron Man unleashes his largest and most powerful armor against Namor and Invisible Woman. Before Thing could have Halar execute Skaar, Moonstone appears and gloats that she's invincible. Thing retorts that he'll kill her one way or the other. And right on cue, Ragnarok comes crashing down devastating Thing's monsters. As Iron Man starts to gloat about the superiority of technology, War Machine thinks that Iron Man has lost it and leads the other Iron Men into fleeing the city. Yet Iron Man has heard that and forces Rescue to kill him and then has his forces wipe out the rest of Thing. Thing focuses on Skaar intent on beating him to death only for U.S. Agent to intervene. U.S. Agent hands Skaar his sword which Spider-Man found enabling him to impale Thing. At the same time, the Iron Force arrives. U.S. Agent calls the Dark Avengers together and tells them that they must find Mister Fantastic. Luckily, he comes right to them. He reveals from his interrogation of the A.I.M. agent that the A.I.M. he belongs to had been secretly altering this reality. It all began when Kang the Conqueror attacked the Avengers. The A.I.M. sect calculated that he was due to return soon and established a base a block from Avengers Tower. As Kang the Conqueror kept attacking, A.I.M. was able to capture a "sliver of time", enabling them to alter the history people in it. This alternate reality was a running experiment to A.I.M. studying outcomes and gathering any weapons that were developed back into real time. But since the Dark Avengers came here, the sliver is starting to collapse and will end their nightmare. Just then, Iron Man arrives where he had heard the whole thing and doesn't believe it as he throws Invisible Woman towards them. He demands that everyone either serve him or die. He then takes note of his Iron Force arriving when they should be fighting the monsters and states that they can't disobey him. Rescue remarks that he said to destroy all monsters.

At that moment, a giant-sized Wasp attacks where she was enraged at his murder of her husband and tears Iron Man's armor apart. Tony Stark's brain flies out intent on getting to a new body, but Trickshot swiftly kills him. Trickshot remarks that not even Hawkeye could do that but someone else says he could've. U.S. Agent asks Mister Fantastic if there's no way to undo the damage. Mister Fantastic confesses that the sliver is close to disintegration and as the Dark Avengers did not originate from it, they'll die if they stay. As the sliver dies, all the people in it will fold in with real time that actually happened and everyone will think that this was all a bad dream. The Dark Avengers race to find the A.I.M. base. Their arrival is detected and the A.I.M. Agents attempt to close the sliver gate, but Ragnarok manages to keep it open for the entire team to enter. They then find the controls for the sliver of time and accelerate its destruction. The A.I.M. Agents offer to cooperate and surrender in exchange for fair trial. However, the Dark Avengers aren't interested in arresting them. Ten minutes later, the Dark Avengers arrive back in their world. Glad to be back and wanting never to see the Dark Avengers again, Skaar hops away. The rest of the team ponder what to do as most of them are still criminals. June Covington then bewitches U.S. Agent making him think that they could still work as a team. Ai Apaec reminds them that he must be restored to his proper size, but June Covington steps on him. U.S. Agent then leads the Dark Avengers for their next adventure.



Post-Fear Itself recruits

Marvel ReEvolution recruits

Other versions

Ultimate Marvel

In the Ultimate Marvel reality, an alternate version of the Dark Avengers appears under the name the Dark Ultimates. The group consists of a female Kang the Conqueror and Reed Richards, as well as the former Ultimates Hulk and Quicksilver. The team is formed with the goal of forcibly saving the world by any means necessary, and first appear while attacking the Triskellion in order to steal the Infinity Gems.

In other media

Video games

  • The Dark Avengers are alluded in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online by Dark Iron Patriot and Sentry.
  • The Dark Avengers appear in Marvel: Avengers Alliance. They are featured in Spec-Ops #12 where they were formed by Dell Rusk and consist of Bullseye (who is operating as Hawkeye), Daken (who is operating as Wolverine), Ragnarok, Black Widow (Yelena Belova) and Venom.
  • The Dark Avengers appear in Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign. The team consists of Ares, Bullseye, Daken, Moonstone, Ragnarok, Sentry, Venom, and Yelena Belova.

Collected editions

The series is being collected into individual volumes:

  • Volume 1: Dark Avengers Assemble (collects Dark Avengers #1â€"6, 160 pages, premiere hardcover, September 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3851-X, softcover, December 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3852-8)
  • Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men - Utopia (collects Dark Avengers #7-8, "Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia" "Utopia Finale" and Uncanny X-Men #513-514, 352 pages, hardcover, December 2009, ISBN 0-7851-4233-9, softcover, April 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4234-7)
  • Volume 2: Molecule Man (collects Dark Avengers #9-12, 112 pages, premiere hardcover, February 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3853-6)
  • Dark Avengers: Siege (collects Dark Avengers #13-16, and Dark Avengers Annual #1, 144 pages, Marvel Comics, premiere hardcover, July 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4811-6)
  • Dark Avengers: The End is the Beginning (collects Dark Avengers #175-183, softcover, February 2013, ISBN 0785161724)
  • Dark Avengers: Masters of Evil (collects Dark Avengers #184-190, softcover, July 2013, ISBN 0785168478)

All the issues (Except the Utopia crossover) are being collected into one hardback book:

  • Dark Avengers Marvel (collects Dark Avengers #1-6, #9-16 and Annual #1, hardcover, 400 pages, July 2011, ISBN 0-7851-5650-X)

As were the spin-offs:

  • Ms. Marvel:
    • Volume 7: Dark Reign (collects Ms. Marvel #35-40, 176 pages, Marvel Comics, premiere hardcover, September 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3838-2, softcover, December 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3839-0)
    • Volume 8: War of The Marvels (collects Ms. Marvel #41-46, 120 pages, Marvel Comics, premiere hardcover, January 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3840-4, softcover, May 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3841-2)
  • Dark Wolverine:
    • Volume 1: The Prince (collects Wolverine #73-74 and Dark Wolverine #75-77, 112 pages, Marvel Comics, premiere hardcover, October 2009, ISBN 0-7851-3900-1, softcover, March 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3866-8)
    • Volume 2: My Hero (collects Dark Wolverine #78-81, 112 pages, Marvel Comics, premiere hardcover, April 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3977-X)
    • Siege: X-Men - Dark Wolverine & New Mutants (includes Dark Wolverine #82-84, 128 pages, Marvel Comics, premiere hardcover, June 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4815-9)
  • Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man (collects Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man #1-4, 112 pages, Marvel Comics, softcover, January 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4239-8)
  • Dark Avengers: Ares (collects Ares #1-5 and Dark Avengers: Ares #1-3, 192 pages, Marvel Comics, softcover, April 2010, ISBN 0-7851-4406-4)
  • Dark Reign: Hawkeye (collects Dark Reign: Hawkeye #1-5, 120 pages, Marvel Comics, softcover, May 2010, ISBN 0-7851-3850-1)


External links

  • Explaining it All: Brian Bendis Talks Dark Avengers #1, Newsarama, January 22, 2008
  • Dark Avengers at the Grand Comics Database
  • Dark Avengers at Marvel Wiki
  • Dark Avengers at Comic Vine
  • Dark Avengers at the Comic Book DB

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