North Carolina ratified the Constitution on November 21, 1789, after the beginning of the 1st Congress. Its current senators are Republicans Thom Tillis and Richard Burr.
List of Senators
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Living former Senators

As of October 2016, there are five living former Senators, two from Class 2 and three from Class 3. The most recent senator to die was Robert Burren Morgan (1975â€"1981) of Class 3 on July 16, 2016. The most recent Class 2 senator to die was Jesse Helms (1973â€"2003) on July 4, 2008. The most recently serving Class 3 senator to die was Terry Sanford (1986â€"1993) on April 18, 1998.

See also

- United States congressional delegations from North Carolina
- List of United States Representatives from North Carolina