David Hahn is a Portland, Oregon-based comic book artist born in Los Angeles in 1967. He is best known for his work illustrating the comic book mini-series Bite Club and its sequel Bite Club: Vampire Crime Unit for DC Comics, where he also illustrated stories for Robin, Fables, Batman: The Ultimate Training Guide, and Lucifer. Much of his early work was published by Antarctic Press in Fun and Perils in the Trudyverse. Hahn later moved his work to Slave Labor Graphics and restarted the series under the name Private Beach. He has also written an X-Men story for Ultimate X-Men #11 for Marvel Comics and drawn a story for Michael Chabon's The Escapist #5, written by Howard Chaykin.
Beginning in March 2007, he will be the new regular artist on Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane.
In May of 2013, Rob Balder announced that David would replace Xin Ye as the artist for erfworld. He started by creating the art for E is for Erfworld, an "Erfabet book." He also has been providing art for the Book 2 epilogues, and will be the regular artist for Book 3.
Hahn is also working on his own graphic novel for DC Comics' new MINX line of books. This line is aimed at female readers aged 8â€"16. His title is called All Nighter and Hahn will do both the writing and drawing.
External links
- davidhahnart.com, Hahn's official website