
Monday, June 1, 2015

Alan Moore's Writing for Comics is a book published in 2003 by Avatar Press. It reprints a 1985 essay by Alan Moore on how to write comics successfully that originally appeared in the British magazine Fantasy Advertiser (four chapters from issue #92, August 1985, to issue #95, February 1986).

The book consists of four main chapters, it also includes an additional essay by Moore and illustrations by Jacen Burrows.


Alan Moore Continues Writing Crossed +100 In January - And More ...

The first four chapters are dedicated to establishing a beginner guide about writing, storytelling and plotting a comic book script. The last chapter however, written in 2003, aims to provide an X-Treme writing for comics course and advices; "never to get stuck in one writing style, always be open to try new things."

  • Chapter 1 The Basic Idea: Thinking About Comics focuses on the idea behind the whole work of art. What the writer intends to express in his/her work.
  • Chapter 2 Reaching The Reader: Structure, Pacing, Story Telling is drilling into the readers skull and gives tips on how to keep the reader focused on the comic book.
  • Chapter 3 World Building: Place and Personality suggests to possible comic book writers; to examine real life characters, persons one know throughout their life in order to create real characters. This chapter also gives hints about how to create a detailed universe,even if it means to start from creating economic structures.
  • Chapter 4 The Details: Plot and Script aims to demolish the misunderstanding of the importance of plot. Moore delineates plot not as a list of things happening but more like a concept of time, contributing to the other elements of the art.
  • Final Part Afterwords is more like a sum up and a confession of all the wrong things Alan Moore told the readers about "how to be a good writer". Moore suggests writers who already started their career, to "simply try new and hard things they didn't think they could manage" in order to become a better writer.



External links

Avatar Press Announces Crossed +100 - An Ingenious Future-Set ...
  • Review at Comics Bulletin
  • Review at Philippine Online Chronicles

Avatar Press Solicitations For 2014 - Alan Moore's Crossed+100 ...
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